Amuma - Gac Oil

Plus Amuma Gac Oil – Health Protection product contains Gac Oil, Omega 3, vitamin E, vitamin B2, zinc and Ginkgo biloba to help reduce eye fatigue and dry eyes. Help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis due to oxidative damage.


For 1 soft gelatin capsule (450mg of liquid):
– Gac oil: 100mg
– Fish oil: 100mg
– Ginkgo Biloba Extract: 40mg
– Zinc Sulfate: 10mg
– Vitamin E: 5 IU
– Vitamin B2: 2 mg
– Excipients: gelatin, beeswax lecithin enough for 1 capsule

Dosage Form
Soft gelatin capsule

Box of 1 bottle of 60 tablets

Shelf life
3 years

CBSP Number

XNQC Number


- Supplement antioxidants, aid in limiting the eye aging process, help improve vision, reduce eye fatigue and dry eyes.
- Support reducing the risk of atherosclerosis due to oxidative damage.
This product is not a medicine and does not replace medicine.

Subjects of use

- People with weak eyesight, dry eyes, eye fatigue.
- People who are often exposed to elements harmful to the eyes.
- People at risk of retinal degeneration.
- People at risk of atherosclerosis.


- Drink near meals
- Adults: Take 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time.
- Children over 6 years old: Take 2 times a day, 1 capsule each time.
- Do not use for people who are sensitive to any ingredient of the product

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