With a team of more than 600 talented employees, the advantages of extensive distribution channels and strong revenue growth year over year, Meracine has proved that its core value lies in the human factor. The way that Meracine uses to gain employee consensus is to consistently implement a culture of sharing and fairness from the contributions of each member. Leaders always respect, evaluate and recognize the results of employees’ work, and repose trust in employees so that they can confidently share their knowledge, express talent and enthusiasm. Thanks to that, Meracine has a team of talented staff who are wholeheartedly devoted to the business, whether facing challenges or reaching success.
Objectives, strategies, and planning targets are all built from the mutual agreement of employees so that everyone is always prepared and ready for change to adapt to new situations and develop sustainably.The mission “Dedicated to health” that Meracine has diligently cultivated through research results and the dedication of our employees has been providing society with high quality, reliable, effective and affordable pharmaceutical products, which can contribute to improving the quality of life.